Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Can Anyone Say "George Orwell"

George Orwell's 1984 was a bit early in its prediction of an all-seeing government. The recent hoopla about invasive screening at airports is just another example for us. Since 9-11, the government has been particularly adept at removing our personal freedoms in the name of security and safety. I am not saying we should not have security and safety. Anyone who remembers airlines being hijacked to go to Cuba knows that some level of security is required. However, we, as Americans, seem to be all to eager to turn in our freedoms when the government yells safety and security and terror. In fact, our appointed officials, like Janet Napolitano, simply refuse to listen to the brave few who would question the TSA tactics. They just don't "understand why people are so upset".

I am really tired of the media on this one, too, because, until it became scandalous (someone was touched improperly), they did not care. Even now, they seem more than able to find some dolt who says ... "Well, if it makes us safer I am ok with it." Well, I am not ok with it. It is ineffective, looks for the wrong things on people, screens those who don't need screening and costs billions of dollars while we are going broke.

Since I cannot complain without offering alternatives, here is a partial list ...

  • profile based on criminal background
  • profile based on probing questioning
  • vigorously x-ray all baggage - cargo and otherwise
  • make better use of psychological training for employees
  • mine the vast information network that has been built up on every American by our and other's governments
  • develop a friend-foe system (the theory is that if one has not been a problem the past years on any number of flights, it is unlikely that they will be a problem)

I am really tired of having my civil rights removed from me and am afraid that we are edging ever closer to a police state, at least when it comes to group travel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is what we get when we table anything to do with cutting defense and security budgets. After all, the only way mid-level managers can get upward promotions in these agencies is to create a new problem and then fix it themselves. Looks real good on the resume.

I'm surprised businesses have not started to invest in rail transit as an alternative. Then again the big boys all fly private jets so it doesn't matter to them. They bypass all of this mess by flying their jets from small regional airports.

Most companies in Asia have to pay their employees extra daily wages for business travel that is overnight, and I think that is why they don't have to put up with this crap. We Americans sure look out for each other though, right? Flat salary, just deal with it, get the job done. Sorry if your hair went grey.